Mai multe puncte de lucru

Creat de Arcturus, Iul 18, 2014, 02:57 AM

« precedentul - următorul »


Mit a scris:

Breasla asta este departe de a fi una a elitelor .

bine punctat, dar vrei prea multe, ar fi imposibil !
(si eu sunt autorizat.)

Modificat de severcoman (24-07-2014 13:56:06)



Arcturus a scris:

Am pornit de la o chestiune si am ajuns la altceva. E clar ca trebuie sa ma descurc "cum pot" caci legile sunt incomplete iar pe alocuri imbecile. Caz inchis. Dar daca tot am atins subiectul "geodejilor autorizati", vreau sa profit de prilej si sa il felicit pe domnul pascu pentru norocul lui de a lucra in Prahova unde poate lucrurile sunt roz. Majoritatea autorizatilor pe care i-am intalnit sunt destul de "deosebiti" (asa poate nu se simte nimeni jignit). Nu ar strica ca din cand in cand sa ne privim in oglinda (fara a fi acuzati de narcissism) si sa ne recunoastem bubele. Atat timp cat multi fac "dumping" nu numai ca ii afecteaza pe ceilalti ce percep tarife corecte dar e clar ca la astfel de preturi si calitatea lucrarii scade. Asadar ma intreb de ce unii sar ca arsi cand aud ca un neautorizat intinde o ruleta, cand problemele majore sunt la noi in ograda. Stam "capra" in fata oricui si face ce vrea din breasla asta care ar trebui sa fie una a elitelor asa cum spune si Mit dar suntem partea activa cand vine vorba de un lucru relativ marunt ca cel pe care l-am adus in discutie in acest topic. Ar fi multe de spus despre chestiile astea dar unii nu vor sa accepte adevarul.

Am inteles ironia, pe aici lucrurile sunt cel putin la fel de roz ca in alte parti. Intamplarea face sa am destul de putine lucrari in Prahova.



                  Eu l-as invata oe angajat sa imi imita semnatura punct.

"Atunci când îţi vei găsi drumul în viaţă să fii sigur că poţi merge pe acesta, şi foarte important este, ca acest drum să-ţi facă plăcere"






                  topografie sau prostitutie?

un exemplu din statul wa:

"The terms "signature or signed," as used in chapter 18.43 RCW and/or Title 196 WAC, shall mean the following:
(1) A handwritten identification that represents the act of putting one's name on a document to attest to its validity. The handwritten identification must be:
(a) Original and written by hand;
(b) Permanently affixed to the document(s) being certified;
(c) Applied to the document by the identified licensee;
(d) Placed directly over the seal/stamp of the licensee.
(2) A digital identification that is an electronic authentication process attached to or logically associated with an electronic document. The digital identification may include a scanned or digitized signature. The digital identification must be:
(a) Unique to the licensee using it;
(b) Capable of independent verification;
(c) Under the exclusive control of the licensee using it;
(d) Linked to a document in such a manner that the digital identification is invalidated if any data in the document is changed."

"Each registrant hereunder shall upon registration obtain a seal of the design authorized by the board, bearing the registrant's name and the legend "registered professional engineer" or "registered land surveyor." Plans, specifications, plats, and reports prepared by the registrant shall be signed, dated, and stamped with said seal or facsimile thereof. Such signature and stamping shall constitute a certification by the registrant that the same was prepared by or under his or her direct supervision and that to his or her knowledge and belief the same was prepared in accordance with the requirements of the statute"

 "Any final document must contain the seal/stamp, signature and date of signature of the licensee who prepared or directly supervised the work. For the purpose of this section "document" is defined as plans, specifications, plats, surveys, as-built documents prepared by the licensee, and reports."



                  1(a) semnatura trebuie sa fie scrisa de mana
   (c) aplicata de catre autorizat

semnatura certifica faptul ca proiectul a fost executat de catre autorizat, sau sub supaveghere sa directa, si ca proiectul indelineste toate conditiile legale.

toate documetele finale trebuie sa contina stampila si semnatura persoanei care a executat lucrarea, sau sub supravegerea careia fost executata aceasta.




Subsidiary and/or Branch Office(s) offering engineering services to the public.

List all subsidiary and/or branch offices offering or performing services on behalf of the business entity and at least one engineer in responsible charge of the engineering work for each office. All engineering work and services must be performed by, done, or directly supervised by a professional engineer licensed who is a regular, full-time employee of the firm. The Board has defined "direct supervision" in Board Rule  as "critical watching, evaluating, and directing of engineering activities with the authority to review, enforce, and control compliance with all engineering design criteria, specifications, and procedures as the work progresses. Direct supervision will consist of an acceptable combination of: exertion of significant control over the engineering work, regular personal presence, and reasonable geographic proximity to the location of the performance of the work, and an acceptable employment relationship with the supervised persons. Engineers providing direct supervision of engineering shall be personally present during such work.



                  -fiecare birou trebuie sa aiba un autorizat "full time"
-toate proiectele trebuie sa fie executate sub supravegherea persoanei autorizate
-supaveghere:-evaluarea si coordonarea lucrarii avand autoritatea necesara pentru a controla si pune in aplicare standardele legale
                     -exercitarea unui control semnificant asupra proiectului
                     -prezenta fizica pe durata proiectului
                     -distanta rezonabila fata de locul in care se desfasoara proiectul pentru a permite supravegherea directa
                     -o relatie acceptabila(lipsita de conflicte) cu persoanele supravegheate.
                     -autorizati care supravegheaza direct trebuie sa fie prezenti pe durata proiectului-MENTIONATA DIN NOU!!!!!